ERA launches tree guide and recognizes citizen scientists’ contribution

The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) awarded certificates of recognition to participants in the Malta Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (MPOMS) for their contribution. Additionally, ERA launched “The Protected & Alien Trees in Malta – An Identification Guide”, marking a significant step in ongoing efforts to safeguard Malta’s natural heritage and biodiversity.

The MPOMS initiative invited the public to monitor bees, butterflies, and hoverflies across three key sites: Manikata, Buskett, and Delimara. Citizen scientists had hands-on experience in the field of pollinator monitoring and training from experts, enabling them to support the development of national pollinator records and contribute to the long-term establishment of the MPOMS. The insights gathered will play a pivotal role in shaping the National Strategy and Action Plan for Pollinators (NSAPP) up to 2035, aiming to protect these essential species through targeted actions.

In conjunction with the MPOMS recognition, ERA launched “The Protected & Alien Trees in Malta – An Identification Guide”. This guide makes identifying Malta’s tree species, including protected and invasive, easier. It is an important resource for professionals and enthusiasts, supporting the Tree and Woodlands Protection Regulations 2018. The guide categorizes trees into three groups: those requiring high protection, commonly found protected trees in Outside Development Zone (ODZ) areas, and invasive species with detrimental impacts on local ecosystems.

Minister for the Environment, Energy, and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour Miriam Dalli remarked, “This guide is an important resource for anyone interested in Malta’s trees, helping to identify important species and supporting our goal of increasing green areas on the islands. I also want to thank the volunteers who have contributed to the pollinator research, demonstrating the crucial role of community involvement in building a sustainable future.”

ERA Chairperson Vince Cassar said, “ERA is committed to preserving Malta’s natural environment through proactive conservation efforts and public engagement. By promoting sustainable practices and raising awareness, we strive to protect and enhance the island’s rich biodiversity for future generations.”

For more information about these initiatives, visit