Project launched that will promote research and maritime technolog

Another project has been launched which will promote research in maritime technology in Malta. The project was launched during a news conference addressed by the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research and Innovation, Keith Azzopardi Tanti and by Dr Eng. Brian Azzopardi, from the Innovation and Research Foundation – Malta (

In this project, the Foundation for Innovation and Research – Malta will carry out research on three distinct studies: wave energy, light transfer systems for vehicles in and out of the sea, and the live lab for ports that allows real-time monitoring. Therefore this project aims to offer solutions to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, leading to better air quality and a cleaner environment.

Parliamentary Secretary Keith Azzopardi Tanti said, “This project is important because the sea is not only part of our heritage but is also essential for our future, as it is a source of sustainable energy, economic growth, and environmental conservation. This initiative represents a step forward in Malta’s efforts in maritime research, in technological innovation, and in sustainability with the financial support of the Government”.

Engineer Dr Brian Azzopardi said, “We look forward to starting this important research project that addresses advanced themes and critical issues for Malta in maritime technology, including the establishment of another living laboratory in the Foundation’s portfolio.”