Prime Minister Robert Abela addresses the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli

“We cannot have an effective strategy for immigration without also involving the countries of origin and transit along with rational and clear goals that work hand in hand with these countries.”

This was a statement made by Prime Minister Robert Abela in Tripoli when he addressed the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum organized by the Libyan Government and attended by different countries of the European Union and Africa.

The Maltese Prime Minister not only addressed a meeting between the leaders but also the Forum itself, which in a statement spoke about a main principle that Malta consistently talks about, that the issue of immigration is addressed from the roots with strategic cooperation with everyone that prevents the departure of immigrants from Africa to Europe.

Prime Minister Robert Abela said that addressing the issue of immigration from its root remains the most important. He mentioned two categories of immigrants, those who flee their country due to conflicts and those for economic reasons. He said that both types require specific solutions with the involvement of the countries of origin, transit and those of destination.

The Maltese Prime Minister said that managing the borders is among the important measures to look at in the immediate future but then we have to look beyond. Dr. Abela claimed that the financial support to these countries to develop and create wealth and opportunities for their people must be done wisely with the countries of origin and Europe must continue to see that that the investment you are making, you are getting value back from it.

“Malta is a small country, but we lead by example when we speak against human trafficking,” said the Prime Minister, noting the hard reality linked to immigration. With the leaders who gathered in Tripoli, the Prime Minister Robert Abela also declared in a strong way in favor of more cooperation that must come from countries of origin in the repatriation of their citizens who have been found to be living illegally in the countries of destination and that they do not deserve asylum. He said that repatriation and border security are also part of important efforts to continue fighting human traffickers.

Addressing the Forum, Prime Minister Robert Abela pointed out how Malta has been pushing on a European level in favor of strategic cooperation between Europe and Africa. Note how transit countries such as Libya, are already doing a lot and that the immigration challenge is not one country’s but needs a collective effort from everyone. Dr. Abela also mentioned the Valletta Summit on immigration, which was held in Malta and said that the principles of that Summit are still relevant today with the need more than ever for strategies to improve the quality of life and reduce the appetite for irregular immigration.

Photos: OPM/DOI