More than 12,000 students yesterday started attending this year’s edition of Skolasajf with the theme ‘Life is my Adventure’.
The Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima said, “SkolaSajf is an excellent service that is not only part of our vision and work so that the education system reflects the realities and needs of the society we live in, but a service through which we nurture children from a young age through alternative learning that will help them in their future lives.” He said that the ministry continued to strengthen the services that contribute in the long term in the educational path of the students, including the service of Klabb 3-16 and Skolasajf. “We have strengthened these services to reach more children and promote learning outside school hours”, said Minister Grima.
This year Skolasajf will be given by 54 centers around Malta and Gozo between Monday and Friday, which include 5 resource centers and 5 centers in Gozo. The service started from 10 July to 9 August and from 19 August to 6 September. While Skolasajf hours are between 8:30am to 12:30pm, an extended service for working parents will be provided in selected centers from 7:00am to 8:30am and from 12:30pm until 5:30pm.
Minister Grima described this service as a successful one, with applications increasing from year to year. While in 2020 there were 7,849 applications, last year and even this year more than 12,000 applications came in.
Through Skolasajf, thousands of students are being given an extended education service with the children who attend benefiting from a program of informal educational activities linked to the theme through activities, outings and sports games among others.
The entities from the public and private sector that contribute to Skolasajf are also growing, in fact, last year there were 90 entities that also include private companies and non-governmental organizations that participated in Skolasajf.