The Malta Rescue Corps is given funds to invest in more specialized equipment

The voluntary organization Malta Rescue Corps will continue to strengthen both its presence and its capabilities, as it has not only launched specialized equipment that will assist its members in the performance of their duties but also updated the equipment on an ambulance that the -same union uses. This is through funds allocated by the NGO Scheme 2023, administered by the Ministry for Gozo and Planning.

The Minister for Gozo and Planning Clint Camilleri praised the proposals that this non-governmental organization successfully brought forward and benefited from funds for this purpose. “The Malta Rescue Corps is an organization that is run in the most professional manner and provides various first aid assistance especially in mass events. In fact, during the last months this association has taken funds both from the Fund for Just Causes and from the scheme launched by the Ministry for Gozo and Planning,” said the minister.

He went on to say that in total, the Ministry for Gozo and Planning received 38 applications under the scheme for voluntary associations and after the necessary scrutiny, 23 applications were found to be eligible. These applications benefited from funds of approximately €120,000.

He encouraged more voluntary organizations to put forward their proposals and benefit from a number of schemes that the ministry launches from time to time.

Etienne Micallef, the President of the Malta Rescue Corps, while thanking the Ministry for Gozo and Planning, said that the allocated funds were used to buy the necessary equipment for the ambulance used for the activities of – the mass will be better equipped while the volunteers of the same organization will themselves be protected and trained to give first aid.

Photos: MGP