The Maltese Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS), through the Ministry for Inclusion and Voluntary Affairs, has just launched the Civil Society Fund for the year 2024. The launch of this scheme took place at the JA Malta association, which works with young people by providing practical experiences in the world of work and entrepreneurship.
Through the Civil Society Fund, JA Malta was able to strengthen its international element through the affiliation with JA Europe, as well as by using the funds of the Civil Society Fund to attend conferences abroad. In a visit to this voluntary association, the Minister for Inclusion and Volunteering Julia Farrugia Portelli together with the management of the MCVS announced the details of this fund and also discussed the projects that JA Malta implemented in recent years, both through this fund and also with VOPS where they launched a Podcast about the world of work.
The Civil Society Fund will offer financial assistance to those registered voluntary associations, where it is encouraging their participation in European and international forums. This includes collaboration with foreign organizations, including membership in associations, networks and confederations, attendance at conferences and meetings, as well as training on a European dimension.
This year’s total budget for this fund is €150,000. In nine years, from when it started until now, more than a million euros have been allocated to it. Each application submitted can take up to a maximum of €6,000, which can cover up to a maximum of 80% of the eligible costs. Voluntary organizations will be able to apply by visiting, and applications will be open from midday on Wednesday 17 July 2024 to midday on Wednesday 28 August 2024.
An information meeting will also be held on Wednesday 31 July to help applicants during the submission process and to better understand the guidelines. During this visit, Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli explained how this scheme is a good tool for voluntary organizations to be in a position to have a strong exchange of ideas with their international partners. “The presence of Maltese voluntary organizations abroad will mean that these organizations will have a strong voice and share in international discussions that pertain to their areas of expertise. This means new project ideas that can be implemented at a local level as well. As a Government we are committed to not only offer more assistance at a local level, but to give every opportunity for our organizations to broaden their horizons,” concluded the minister.
Mauro Pace Parascandalo, Chief Executive of MCVS, stated that, “It is a pleasure to see associations that not only join European and international associations, but for even entering their management board.”