Multi-million plot to get rid of me: Chris Fearne

Former Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne has written on social media with his response to a news story alleging a multi-million fabricated plot to blacken his reputation.
“I refer to yesterday’s OCCRP’s revelations as reported in The Times and The Boston Globe about the frame up on me.
The evidence revealed amounts to irrefutable proof that as Malta’s Health Minister I always stood my ministerial ground in the national interest. Around €6,500,000 were spent to fabricate a story with a single malign purpose: to politically eliminate me. This is how much filthy money was paid to try to get Chris Fearne out of the way.
This malicious plan was done in two steps. First, they tried to find dirt, any dirt, to throw at me. When they failed because there wasn’t any, they just fabricated it.
Quite simply, this was a pitch dark 6 million Euro frame up to try to block me from continuing to do my duty towards our patients, my ministry and my country.
When this fabricated story was first published, I had immediately gone to the Police Commissioner asking him to investigate. Not surprisingly, it did not take him long to conclude that the story was all fake.
Today I shall be going to the Police Commissioner once again, this time to ask him to act against who financed and who committed this heinous frame up.
Meanwhile I continue to defend and confirm my integrity in the Courts of Law”.