‘Move to Improve’ campaign launched

Health Minister Jo Etienne Abela

During an event at the Family Park in Ta’ Qali, Minister for Health and Active Ageing Jo Etienne Abela launched the ‘Move to Improve’ campaign. The aim of the campaign is to increase awareness of the importance of physical activity and for more people to include physical activity in their routine.

Minister Jo Etienne Abela explained how, according to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), people with a lack of physical activity in their routine have between 20% and 30% more chance of illness which can also cause death at a younger age when compared to those who engage in physical activity every day.

Minister Abela reiterated how physical activity is a key factor that helps maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as helps prevent a number of chronic diseases. He mentioned how a substantial number of adults in our country are overweight and went on to explain that a high prevalence of obesity can lead to certain diseases such as circulatory system diseases and neoplasms, respiratory diseases and diabetes, and this further highlights the need to continue promoting physical activity.

“The aim of this campaign is to increase awareness and encourage more individuals of all ages to include time for physical activity in their daily routine. By taking a short walk every day or doing some type of exercise, including that which does not require any equipment, one is introducing physical activity into one’s routine that will have a positive effect on one’s life,” concluded Minister Abela.

For more information visit: https://hpdp.gov.mt/hpu/physical_activity .

Photo: MHA-DOI