The Ministry for Home Affairs, Security and Employment refers to the report published by the Ombudsman’s office earlier today.
As the report itself indicates, this is an investigation that began in 2021 with the intention of focusing on the management of the Corradino Correctional Facility over a period that now goes back more than three years.
The Ministry makes it clear that each report will still be evaluated seriously and with respect towards the office that published it, in this case the Ombudsman’s office.
Therefore, during the period in which this report was being written, it must also be clarified that the Ministry itself took various actions, some of which are actually referred to in this report, as there were three years of continuous changes and actions.
What changes could also be made because the scourge of drugs was fought in the Corradino Correctional Facility, as the report itself acknowledges, as no rehabilitation could take place in a prison full of drugs.
Meanwhile, some of the key initiatives taken in recent years include;
- The establishment of the Office of the Commissioner of Prisoners
- The introduction of a care plan for every prisoner entering prison
- Work on three new half-way houses in Malta, one of which will be the first for female prisoners
- Work was done in the women’s division to create a place for the mother and baby.
- More than 40 Standard Operating Procedures were developed that deal with the daily operations of the Agency
- Digital systems have been strengthened, including the Offender Management System which unites all partners in the sector
- The staff of professionals, which includes, among others, Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Social workers, today reaches 87.
- The medical services offered, such as dentistry and ophthalmology, have increased and today the Agency has four doctors and 11 nurses on each shift.
- An admission hub has been created where new prisoners are spending their first week before being assigned to a division.
- The concept of safe cells has been introduced in a number of divisions where there is also monitoring via CCTV.
- An educational officer was hired and the educational center for prisoners was renovated.
- The training center for officers has been renovated
- A mental first aid course is being conducted for every employee in the Agency, both officials and civilians.
- The prison kitchen was completely expanded and changed, and with it the food service was improved.
- The forensic unit and a number of divisions have been renovated, which is an ongoing task.
- A place has been opened in Marsa for prisoners to meet their children in an environment away from prison
- More job opportunities were provided through the prison industry
- Collaboration is being made with various entities to offer a number of courses, including with MCAST
This does not mean that there is no more work to be done, with the Ministry continuing to reform, including the need to renew the parole law and the introduction of electronic monitoring, which is currently at the parliamentary stage