Dr. Lydia Abela launches another edition of Gift with Love so that this Christmas children receive a gift as a result of love

The Prime Minister’s wife Dr. Lydia Abela launched the fifth edition of the ‘Gift with Love’ initiative. In the presence of a children’s choir that animated those present with Christmas songs, Dr Abela spoke about this initiative in favor of vulnerable children so that they too receive a gift as a result of the love of the Maltese and Gozitan people.
Lydia Abela recalled the young man Jake Vella, who a year ago had just joined us to take part in this initiative. She saluted his memory who, with the altruism he showed during his life, inspired many people. She said that today Jake serves as a new inspiration for us to make this year’s ‘Gift with Love’ another success. “Who would have ever told me that back in 2020, this simple little dream that Giorgia and I had would arrive here – a bigger and more beautiful Gift of Love, with the involvement of all the localities,” stressed Dr. Abela.
Lydia Abela explained that this year the initiative will be done with the full participation of the local councils with the aim of achieving greater success. For this purpose, a Christmas tree will be lit in several towns and villages where residents will be able to place their gifts here between the 12th and 19th of December. She explained that on December 20 these gifts will be collected and placed under the Christmas tree that will be erected in Pjazza Castilja.
For the first time this year too, children from all schools around Malta and Gozo are being invited to take part in this initiative by giving a gift with which they will make other children happy. Lydia Abela invited all families to come together on Friday 20 December for a day full of activities in the Christmas Village in Castile Square while putting their gifts under the tree. This Village will be open for a whole week between Monday 16 December and Friday 20 December where there will be various Christmas activities.

During the launch Dr. Abela also announced that this year the initiative Gift with Love with a Difference will be held again at the Mater Dei hospital in memory of Jake Vella who had so much in his heart the knowledge of abandoned animals. Here again an invitation is being made to collect products or food for animals in the hall of the Mater Dei Hospital. The ‘Gift with Love’ initiative is made with the cooperation of many authorities and officials who sift through the gifts and then distribute them thanks to the generosity of the Maltese and Gozitan people.