Prime Minister Robert Abela visits Freshers’ Week at the University of Malta

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When he met with the students and student unions at the University of Malta in Tal-Qroqq during Freshers’ Week, Prime Minister Robert Abela stressed that youth activism is important to continue to renew our country and bring positive changes.

When the Prime Minister together with his wife Dr. Lydia Abela and the Minister for Education, Youth, Resources and Innovation Clifton Grima were meeting the students among them on the armed stands of the unions , the Prime Minister spoke to the students about the thoughts in favor of a country that continues to offer a bright future with quality careers for young people and their families.

The Prime Minister explained that the Government will continue to invest in students and give direction for more students to study in courses for innovative sectors so that young people continue to seize the best opportunities that are being created in our country including green jobs that give value added to the economy.

Here he also mentioned the increases in the stipends and the additional reinforcement for those students who study in particular courses.

Dr. Abela also noted that youth activism continues to push critical thinking which is important and he pointed out that reason won during Freshers’ Week at the University so that the opinions expressed with respect by everyone, regardless of the subject , they are not stifled.

The Prime Minister Robert Abela wished all the students another year full of commitment and positive things in their educational journey while he also thanked all the workers at the University, including the academics.

A new academic year has just started at the University which has welcomed 5,000 new students where a third of them are doing a course at postgraduate level.

This was at the same time as an investment was made in the University’s human resources through a collective agreement signed in favor of improved working conditions for the administrative, technical and industrial workers of the University of Malta.

Photographs (OPM-DOI)