We help everyone to continue moving forward – Prime Minister Robert Abela in a Cabinet meeting with the people who discussed the social issue

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In a Cabinet meeting held at Dar San Đuzepp Santa Venera, in which the social issue was discussed, Prime Minister Robert Abela spoke about how the main principle must remain that of helping everyone to continue moving forward. In a meeting in which interventions were made by academics, people involved in the social fields and different citizens, not only was the great social investment made by the Government pointed out but also a reference was made to the importance of services in the community.

Prime Minister Robert Abela listened to the different interventions and then spoke about a key value that the Government must continue to embrace, that of social justice, where no one is forgotten. “Social justice means that even if there is even one person in suffering, in a challenge, in a difficult reality, we have to deal with that”, emphasized the Prime Minister. He said that the coming Budget, which is being drawn up also as a result of consultations with society, must be strong in addressing the priorities of the people. Here he mentioned how we want to continue strengthening the middle-class of our country.

Dr. Abela noted how the social investment in the first six months of this year exceeded three quarters of a billion euros. He said that the Maltese economy must remain strong to support this investment. He explained how in our country there are social realities, particularly among families and as a Government we must be there to bring about changes that offer support and ease the burden of social challenges. In this regard he said that the Government has already started looking at the reform in the Family Court.

The Prime Minister said that while we must weigh the young, those who left to walk cannot be abandoned because they are considered with the middle class and therefore the Government’s social program must continue to be aimed at everyone, including the middle- class with services offered in the community.

The Minister for Social Policy and Children’s Rights Michael Falzon also addressed the Cabinet meeting, who defined social work as the heart of every society that beats where it is most needed and that giving and sustaining life. ”Without a doubt this Government fully believes in a society that helps everyone, especially those who can afford it the least. Because we are close to the people, and we understand their needs well, we will continue to provide financial assistance while providing a balance between work and quality time between families”, stressed Minister Falzon.

Before the Cabinet meeting, the Prime Minister met with the residents of Dar San Đuzepp. “All children deserve to have a story of success and we will continue to increase our social investment even with this thought so that everyone can reach their aspirations”, stressed Prime Minister Robert Abela.

He noted that a social agreement of €2 million between the Government and Dar San Ļużepp means important support for this residence, so that the child residents are given the best possible protection. St. Joseph’s House is a residence that welcomes boys who for various reasons are no longer able to live with their biological family. Currently this residence offers shelter to 15 children who are individually assisted in everything they need such as health care, education, social and psychological therapy.

The Prime Minister was welcomed and taken around the residence by the Director of St. Joseph’s Home, Fr Louis Mallia, who explained to Dr. Abela the work that is carried out on a daily basis in favor of these children. He spoke about several success stories of resident children who grew into teenagers and adults and who built a career and a family and continued to live in society independently.

The Prime Minister also visited the apartments where the children live, as well as a space within the residence that is equipped with educational tools for the children. Here it has been explained how there are individual educational programs for the residents in this home.

Photographs (OPM-DOI)