Persons with disabilities in Gozo with improved services

Through support from the Ministry for Inclusion and Volunteering, the Gozitan organization Voice for Inclusion Gozo benefited from help with physical equipment as well as higher funding for a summer school for people with disabilities. These projects were announced by the Minister for Inclusion and Volunteering Julia Farrugia Portelli during a visit she made to the Sannat Special Unit, in Gozo.

For the third year, an agreement was signed between Aġenzija Sapport, the Ministry for Gozo and Planning, the Foundation for Educational Services and the association Voice for Inclusion Gozo to run the project of €160,000 summer Summer Intensive Course. Through this investment, 67 students with disabilities are benefiting, an increase of 17 students over last year. These sessions are being held over a period of 10 weeks, and include training in mathematics through storytelling, drama sessions, ICT, cooking and working with clay.

Each participant is having LSE on an individual basis and specialized tutors who see the progress of each student and that everyone is included in the prepared activities. Apart from this investment, through a project from the Voluntary Organizations Project Scheme (VOPS) funded by the Maltese Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS), equipment was purchased for physical training for people with disabilities, together with a number of instruments from the Small Initiatives Scheme (SIS), some of which can be operated with the movement of the eyes. This equipment will be able to be used by Gozitan students, both during and after school hours.

Thus, with the implementation of this project, Voice for Inclusion Gozo Association with the help of the Sannat Special Unit who will host this equipment, will not only be in a position to provide a much needed service to the community Gozi of children with special needs, but they will also help the staff of the Special Unit in Sannat primary school through training through which they can provide a more comprehensive service to these children.

Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli explained how these two projects will continue to help Gozitan disabled people reach their potential. “As a Government we have the obligation to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities. By supporting Voice For Inclusion Gozo in their mission to empower people with disabilities, we are helping to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their ability, have access to services that offer support and help. These projects are a significant step forward towards fostering both physical and educational development for people with disabilities. We believe that this investment will have a strong impact on their independence,” concluded the Minister.

The CEO of MCVS Mauro Pace Parascandolo ​​said, “It is a pleasure to continue to see, year after year, the VOPS scheme being operated and increasing wealth. The competition is a very good one and this continues to strengthen our hearts so that we continue to work more and more for the good of the sector, which ultimately translates into good for society.”

Pauliana Said, the Chairperson of Voice for Inclusion Gozo, praised the Government for its efforts to provide specialized services to children with disabilities in Gozo. She emphasized that this investment is not only making an important difference in the personal and educational development of these children, but is also giving essential support to their families. Said added that this commitment shows how vital it is that these children are given the necessary opportunities to reach their potential in an environment that supports and encourages them.

Photo: MIV