Jason Azzopardi alleges LESA corruption: Malicious, heinous lies says Prime Minister

Castille, Valletta. Seat of Prime Minister

In response to serious allegations of corruption at LESA by former Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi, the Office of the Prime Minister has issued a statement calling the allegations a lie and a most heinous false statement.

“B’referenza għal rappurtaġġ ippubblikat illum rigward allegati irregolaritajiet fi ħdan il-LESA u li jiffurmaw il-mertu ta’ rikors biex tinbeda inkjesta dwar l-in genere, il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela jiċħad u jinnega bl-aktar mod assolut u kategoriku dak li ġie rrappurtat li hu kontenut fir-rikors (li mhuwiex għad-dispożizzjoni tal-Prim Ministru), u ċioè li l-Prim Ministru kien konxju ta’ dawn l-allegati irregolaritajiet u m’għamel xejn biex iwaqqafhom.

Din hi gidba u dikjarazzjoni falza mill-aktar faħxija li saret minn min ressaq ir-rikors promotur, u abbuż sfaċċat tas-salvagwardji li jagħti dokument ġudizzjarju. Daqstant ieħor u in kwantu jikkonċerna lilu, il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela jagħmilha ċara illi hu kodard u beżżiegħ min iressaq atti ġudizzjarji malizzjużi li jikkontjenu allegazzjonijiet foloz bl-iskop uniku li xi tajn forsi jeħel, u jinqeda bis-segretezza ta’ inkjesta biex dak li jkun ma jkollux l-opportunità li jirribatti pubblikament.

Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela hu assoċjat ma’ riformi kbar li seħħew fil-qasam tal-governanza tajba u t-tisħiħ tal-istituzzjonijiet, biex ikollhom aktar saħħa li jipprevjenu u jaġixxu kontra min iwettaq irregolaritajiet. Għall-kuntrarju, min ressaq ir-rikors jibqa’ assoċjat ma’ episodji li fuqhom tkellem b’mod iebes fost oħrajn l-Awditur Ġenerali u li ma għandhom xejn mill-governanza t-tajba”.

With reference to a report published today regarding alleged irregularities within the LESA and which form the merit of an application to start an inquiry about the in genere, the Prime Minister Robert Abela denies and denies in the most absolute and categorical way that which was reported to be contained in the application (which is not at the disposal of the Prime Minister), and that is to say that the Prime Minister was aware of these alleged irregularities and did nothing to stop them.

This is a lie and a most heinous false statement made by the person who brought the action promoter, and a blatant abuse of the safeguards provided by a judicial document. Just as much and as far as it concerns him, Prime Minister Robert Abela makes it clear that he is a coward and a coward who brings malicious judicial acts that contain false allegations with the sole purpose that some mud might stick, and is served with the secrecy of an inquiry so that he would not have the opportunity to rebut publicly.

Prime Minister Robert Abela is associated with major reforms that have taken place in the field of good governance and the strengthening of institutions, so that they have more strength to prevent and act against those who commit irregularities. On the contrary, the person who submitted the application remains associated with episodes on which the Auditor General, among others, spoke harshly and which have nothing of good governance.

Source: DOI