Center offering a number of health services to children, adolescents and young people opened in Gozo

The Minister for Health and Active Aging Jo Etienne Abela opened a Center of Services for Children, Adolescents and Youth in Victoria Gozo.

Minister Abela explained how through this new centre, they will be benefiting 300 individuals and their families. He went on to say how in this center a number of services will be offered that are offered in the Section of CDAU and CYPS, among them, Occupational Therapy; physiotherapy; speech language pathology; child and adolescent psychiatry; and new services such as dental hygienist (educational); community paediatrics; and family therapy.

“Even in Gozo we have seen that there is this facility that can provide a modern and holistic service. This facility is also close to the Gozo General Hospital for which, as already announced, there is a development and regeneration plan. The aim of this center is to offer health care services and support both to the client and to their relatives or people who take care of them,” said Minister Etienne Abela.

Photos: MHA