Parliamentary Secretary Andy Ellul visits the renovated DIER offices

The Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue Andy Ellul visited the offices of the Department of Industrial Relations and Employment (DIER), which have just been renovated, with more modernized facilities, to provide a better environment for employees so that they will be able to carry out their work more effectively and offer the best service to the public.

During the visit it was explained that from the beginning of this year until last July, 25,000 people used the services offered by this Department, with the same Department receiving around 16,000 phone calls and around 8,500 emails. In the same period, DIER had 689 requests for investigation from workers.

The majority of them are cases of workers still working in the same workplace, 37% of them are general investigations, while the rest are cases where the worker has made a report about a company he no longer works with . It was also explained that so far 84 licenses have been granted for work agencies (temping agencies), while another 90 licenses are still being processed.

Parliamentary Secretary Andy Ellul praised the work done in this renovation project and stressed that this will improve not only the working environment for DIER employees, but also the service they provide to the public. “DIER plays a central role in industrial relations and employment in Malta, and these modernized facilities will help to ensure that officers have the best tools and conditions to carry out their duties, specifically where enforcement comes in,” repeated the parliamentary secretary, while thanking all the Department’s workers for the work they carry out.