Eighteen professionals are awarded a Heritage Skill Certificate

During a ceremony, the Minister for National Heritage, Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici presented a Heritage Skill Certificate to eighteen professionals who work in the field of cultural heritage conservation and restoration .

This Heritage Skill Certificate is being issued for the second time by the Restorers’ Warrant Board, which means that to date a total of 20 professionals have been awarded this certificate, and it aims to regulate the works related to the activities linked to the profession of conservators and restorers and this also as stipulated in the Cultural Heritage Act, Chapter 445.

Minister Owen Bonnici explained that through this Heritage Skill Certificate given by the Restorers’ Warrant Board, the abilities of these professionals are being recognised.

Addressing the conservators and restorers, in the presence of the Warrant Board of Restorers-Conservators, the minister stressed that since the work of conservation and restoration of objects of cultural value needs to is done with the best means, material, care, and ethics, the Cultural Heritage Act requires that in order to carry out this type of work it is necessary to have a Warrant or Heritage Skill Certificate, issued according to provisions of the Cultural Heritage Act.

Minister Owen Bonnici concluded by thanking all those who contributed over time, particularly the Chairperson of the Board Dr. Joseph Buttigieg and the rest of the Board who were instrumental in today recognizing these professionals by giving them a Certificate of Estate Skill.