Training sessions on safe and sustainable transport organized by Transport Malta during Summer School

The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works, Chris Bonett, visited the Middle and Secondary School of St Thomas More College in Żejtun where he could follow the training sessions organized by Transport Malta for the children who attend Summer School. Transport Malta is doing this to increase awareness among young students about different modes of transport and about road safety.

During this visit, Minister Bonett thanked Transport Malta for organizing this training while emphasizing that this testifies to the Government’s commitment to foster safer and more sustainable transport habits from an early age.

“It is our responsibility to educate the next generation on the use of various modes of transport, to promote walking, especially in short distances and to always be prudent,” said Minister Bonett.

Laura Galea, Assistant Manager Sustainability & EU Affairs from Transport Malta, said that it is important that from a young age children learn to integrate the various modes of transport, including walking, cycling, public transport and carpooling, in their lives. Thus fostering a more efficient and environmentally friendly travel experience in the next generation.

Road safety was the main objective of these lessons where the students were taught about the importance of crossing the road in the safest way, wearing helmets while cycling and to respect the traffic signals. During these lessons the students were also given training on fire safety, ethics, and biodiversity.

The sessions include interactive workshops and other activities designed to educate students about the benefits and importance of different modes of transportation and about road safety. These sessions will be provided to more than 1,500 students attending Skolasajf.

This collaboration between Transport Malta and the schools reflects the authority’s mission to ensure a safer and more sustainable transport system for everyone while educating the next generation.