Malta a testament to the effectiveness of housing policies

Minister for Sociable and Affordable Accomadation Roderick Galdes

During an Informal Ministerial meeting discussing the topic of homelessness in Brussels, Minister for Social and Affordable Accommodation Roderick Galdes mentioned that Malta is implementing robust social and housing policies, designed with people’s wellbeing at their core, placing housing not just as a necessity but as a central pillar in our society.

In his intervention, Minister Galdes stated how Malta has implemented a number of strategies to create tangible progress in the social housing sector towards complete inclusivity. He reiterated that Malta is committed to continue extending its support to individuals in need and mentioned how beyond immediate shelter and housing solutions, employment assistance and access to essential government services is also provided.

The Minister also mentioned the various schemes to assist more individuals to become homeowners. In this regard, he mentioned the New Hope Guarantee scheme whereby Government is stepping in as a guarantor which allows individuals who were unable to obtain a life insurance policy due to past or current illness or disability to become a homeowner. He also mentioned the Equity Sharing scheme, the Scheme of €1,000 per year over a period of 10 years to first-time buyers and the Scheme on 10% Deposit for the Purchase of a Property, among other schemes.

“We also recognise the importance of engaging private property owners and the Nikru Biex Nassistu scheme which we have extended, encourages landlords to lease vacant properties to the Housing Authority. Thus, we are continuing to increase the number of properties available for social housing, whilst work is underway to build more social housing units,” Minister Galdes explained and concluded by saying that Malta is committed to continue its work towards an inclusive and equitable housing system.